Custom Designed Murphy Bed
Date: Spring 2020
Project Description
For this project, I was given simple guidelines and asked to redesign something that I use regularly which at the time was a Murphy bed that I used while staying with my grandmother during the COVID pandemic lockdown in March. For this redesign I was advised to add or change something to my murphy bed that would make it more useful in my day to day life. My initial idea was to add a desk to the underside of the murphy bed so that it was even more space efficient, however with the time frame I was allotted to create and fully design it was not achievable. Instead, I opted for a shelf. The shelf moves up and down on a hinge so that when the bed is pulled down and up the shelf adjusts with it. I am proud to reflect on this being my very first large project and assembly that I have created on SolidWorks which I am CSWA certified in.